BR. 33003/58
Revised January, 1965
No.s D.200-D.209
D.237 onwards
LOCOMOTIVES-NOS. D.200-D.209, D.210-D.236
Type - - - I.C.C.I
Weight in running order-133 tons
Tractive effort:
Maximum --- 52,000lbs.
Continuous - 39,900lbs
Wheel base --- 61 ft. 3ins
Bogie wheel base - 21ft. 6ins
Wheel diameter:
Driving --- 3ft 9ins.(new)
Pony Truck - 3ft. 0ins.(new)
Bogies centres - - 34ft 4ins.
Width overall - - 9ft 0ins.
Length overall - - 69 ft. 6ins .
Height overall - - 12 ft. 10ins .
Maximum curve negotiable - 4 ½ chains.
SPEED--- 90M.P.H.
Fuel Tanks:- Main 700 gallons Service 30 gallons Total 730 gallons
Boiler Fuel Tanks:- Main 200 gallons - Total 200 gallons
Lubricating oil capacity : Engine sump and piping:- Total 140 gallons
Cooling water:- Engine and pipework 160 gallons Radiator 40 gallons Total 200 gallons
Radiator - - - Spiral Tube combined water and oil coolers
Boiler Water Tank - - 800 gallons (water column and water pick up filling arrangement).
Brakes - - - Compressed air and handbrakes on the locomotive. Vacuum brake equipment giving proportional air braking on the locomotive.
Sanding - - - Sandboxes compressed air operated.
16 Cylinder diesel engine - English Electric type S.V.T. MARK 11. 2,000HP. @ 850r.p.m. 675 H.P. @ 450 r.p.m. (Engine speed continuously variable between 450/850 r.p.m.).
BR. 33003/58
Revised January, 1965
Direction of rotation-
Looking on the free end of engine: Anti-clockwise
Cylinder bore and stroke - 10ins x 12ins.
Firing order - - - 'B' bank 1,5,7,3,8,4,2,6.
'A' bank 8,4,2,6,1,5,7,3.
NOTE: 'B' is front bank and 'A' back bank when facing the
Engine with the generator on the right. No1 cylinders
Are the farthest from the flywheel.
Fuel injector nozzle type - C.A.V B.D.L 140T. 6177.
Fuel injector holder type - C.A.V B.K.B. 200T 5011b
Pressure at which fuel injectors Should be set - - 3,000lbs./
Fuel pump type - - C.A.V. B.P.F.I.C.C. 160A.S. 6436
Main generator - - Type E.E. 822 D.C. self-ventilated, 10-pole. Continuous rating-
1,320 Kw.@ 850 r.p.m., 1,8000 amps. 730 volts.
Auxiliary generator - - Type E.E.911 B.D.C. self-ventilated, 8-pole. Continuous
rating-48 Kw.
Traction motors (6) - Type E.E 526/5D. force-ventilated, 6-pole. Continuous rating-
258 h.p. 600 amps. @ 362 r.p.m. One hour rating 228 h.p. 650
amps. @ 349 r.p.m.
Traction motor gear ratio - 61/19.
Traction motor blowers - Aerex type 2.T.P.044
Blower motors (2) - E.E. 750 D. motors 12.4hp. 110 volts, 105amps @ 2,265 r.p.m.
Batteries - - - D.P. type R.S.K.B. 276 lead acid 48 cell 276 amp/hr.
Lighting circuit - - 110 Volts
Radiator fan - - - 60' dia. Engine driven through a gear box
Air compressor (1) - - Westinghouse D.V.C.3 type, compressor motor Westinghouse
type D.V.C.
Vacuum exhausters (2) - Northey 125 R.E. type, capacity 85 c.f.m @ 1,000 r.p.m
125. c.f.m. in release position.
Exhauster motors (2) - Type E.E.755/1A Continuous rating 5.64 h.p. 110 volts, 46
amps. @ 1,000 r.p.m. Half-hour rating 8 h.p. 110 volts, 69
amps. @ 1,500 r.p.m (on release position).
Carriage warming boiler - Stone Vapor, Clayton or Spanner Type.
Fuel supply pump - - Varley D.H.2 type capacity 200 gallons/hour @ 1,420 r.p.m. and is electric motor driven.
BR. 33003/58
Revised January, 1965
5. Engine stopped indicator light
6. Vacuum gauge (duplex)
7. Air brake gauge (bogie 1 and bogie 2 Locos D.210 onwards).
8. A.W.S. indicator.
9. Main air reservoir gauge.
10. C.W.A. steam gauge.
11. Water tank capacity gauge.
12. Boiler indicator light.
11.Compressor fuse (control cubicle) 125 amps. (Note; No cut-out,
but air line between locomotives enables one compressor to be
worked by removal of fuse for defective compressor when in
multiple unit).
12. Blower motor fuses (2). 125 amp.
13. Exhauster fuses. 125 amp.
14. Lubricating oil pump fuse. 50 amp.
15.Main control fuse. 15 amp.
16.Auxiliary control fuse. 15 amp. Note; Fuel pump motor is on this circuit.
17.Lighting fuses. 5 &15 amp.
18 .Boiler equipment fuse :
Clayton steam generator 60 amp.
Stone Vapor steam generator 50 amp.
19. Hot Plate fuse. 15 amp.
20. Fuel gauge fuse. 5 amp.
21 Engine start switch button (engine room).
22. Separate fuel priming button (engine room).
23. Engine sump dip stick.
24. Radiator shutter control.
One 125 amp
One 60 amp
One 50 amp
One 15 amp
One 5 amp
In the event of a fuse failure, one of the spares carried may be used, but care must be taken that it is of the same capacity as the one which is defective. The fuses can be identified bhy the colour or markings on the fuse cartridge.
The Fuse Tester is situated in the control fuse panel and should be operated as follows when it is necessary to test a fuse:-
1. Stop the engine, then place battery isolating switch to OFF.
2. Take out suspected fuses.
3. Place battery isolating switch to ON.
4. Hold fuse by centre portion, place it across tester contacts which are
alive. If fuse is correct the test lamp will light.
5. If fuse is defective, test replacement fuse.
6. Place battery isolating switch to Off.
7. Place fuse into position.
8. Place battery isolating switch to ON.
Do not place a defective fuse into the spare fuse rack. Any fuses changed must be reported.
1. Obtain master key, A.W.S. key, radiator control handle (air brake handle for Locomotive Nos. D.200-D.209), and door keys. Enter locomotive by No. 2 cab.
2. Test fire alarm system from push button on control cubicle.
3. Check that the detonator cases are intact.
4. Report all known defects..
NOTE: All pipes are coloured for identification to assist when reporting defects. Etc.
Revised January, 1965
Line Colour Symbol
Air Compressed White A.C.
Vacuum White V.
Air ventilation exhaust White A.E.
Air ventilation inlet White A.I.
Drainage Black
Electrical Light Orange
Fire installations Signal Red
Oil, diesel fuel Light Brown O.D.
Oil, lubricating Salmon Pink
Steam Aluminium
Water, engine cooling French Blue
Water, C.W.A. feed Grass Green
1. At Locomotive
Enter driving cab and deposit personal belongings and equipment.
2. External Examination
Check jumper cables are secure in plugs at the nearer end, also that the air pipe cocks are closed. Set head-code discs (as and when necessary).
Ensure no depot pipes or electric cables are attached.
Enter non-driving cab, collect tail lamp and place in position at rear of locomotive.
Check jumper cables are secure in the plugs at that end, also that the air pipe cocks are closed, and return to driving cab along other side of unit.
Check main fuel tank contents and boiler water tank contents.
3. In Driving Cab
Check handbrake is ON.
Check that the brake handles are in NEUTRAL, RELEASE or RUNNING position as the case
may be.
Check detonator case is intact and hand fire extinguishers in position.
Take control keys (master key and carriage key).
Close main lighting switch (No. 2 cab only).
4. Proceed to Non-Driving Cab and
En route close battery isolating switch.
Open radiator shutters, both sides - see item 2, starting the engine on page 9.
Check cooling water header tank contents.
Check one side door for security.
Operate fire alarm test button.
Check the Braked/Unbraked (Passenger-Goods) switch is in the BRAKED position.
Check the Exhauster switches are CLOSED.
Check the control cut out switch is CLOSED.
Check the main boiler isolating switch is OPEN.
5. In Non-Driving Cab
Check that the air brake handle is in RELEASE position (handle OFF on locos. D.200-D.209)
and vacuum brake handle to NEUTRAL or RUNNING position as the case may be.
Insert Master Key and start engine.
Check that the safety pins are removed from main fire extinguishers, if not remove them.
Check position of route indicator.
Close doors and windows.
Remove Master Key leaving engine running.
Release the handbrake.
6. Proceed to Driving Cab
En route make cursory inspection of engine and generator compartment for obvious defects.
Check other side door for security.
7. Enter Driving Cab
Insert A.W.S. key and Master key, depress and release A.W.S. re-set button, move reverser handle to E.O. position. (Set route indicator).
Check that the safety pins are removed from the main fire extinguishers; if not remove them.
Check air pressure and test brakes. To test the brakes make a service application with the driver's straight air brake valve and check that the brake cylinder gauge responds accordingly. (Brake cylinder pressure is approximately 55-60 lb. Per sq. in.). Place the air brake handle into the RELEASE position, then test the brakes by making a vacuum brake application and checking that the brake cylinder pressure rises after the train pipe vacuum has fallen.
Move reverser handle to “Forward,” release handbrake and at the same time check operation of the driver's safety device.
Sound warning horns.
Revised January, 1965
D370, D371, D377, D378 AND D380 FITTED WITH
When preparing any of the above five locomotives fitted with automatic air brake and vacuum train control the following duties apply compared with that of locomotives fitted with vacuum controlled air brake:
1. On entering the driving cab check that the automatic air brake valve handle is in the SHUT DOWN position and the straight air brake valve in the RELEASE position.
2. On proceeding through the engine room towards rear cab prior to starting the engine place air/vacuum switch into the 'AIR PASSENGER' POSITION.
3. After starting the engine from the rear cab -
(a) Check that all vacuum is released from the chamber side, operate the vacuum release valve if necessary.
(b) Move the driver's automatic air brake handle from the SHUT DOWN to the RUNNING position and immediately air pressure of approximately 70 p.s.i. is obtained on the brake pipe gauge move the handle steadily towards the FULL SERVICE position the brake pipe pressure should be approximately 48 p.s.i. and the brake cylinder pressure approximately 60 p.s.i. Then move the brake handle to EMERGENCY position and note that when the brake pipe pressure falls to zero the brake cylinder pressure remains at approximately 60 p.s.i.; now move the automatic brake valve handle to SHUT DOWN position. The power brake will remain on.
(c) Release the handbrake.
(d) Return to driving cab through the engine room, en route placing the air/vacuum switch to “VACUUM BRAKED” position:; this automatically stops the type 3 VC 75 air compressor and immediately starts the vacuum exhauster.
(e) On entering the driving cab move the automatic air brake valve handle from the SHUT DOWN position to the RUNNING position. Check that there is 85 to 100 lbs. Pressure on the main reservoir gauge and that automatic brake pipe pressures indicated on the cab gauge is 70 p.s.i. and 21” vacuum is recorded on the vacuum gauge.
(f) Move the straight air brake valve handle towards the FULL SERVICE position checking that the brake cylinder pressure rises, return straight air brake handle to RELEASE position.
(g) Steadily move the automatic air brake handle towards the full service position, note that the brake pipe pressure falls, the vacuum train pipe vacuum falls and the air brake cylinder pressure rises.
NOTE: With the automatic brake handle in the FULL SERVICE position the brake
pipe pressure should be approximately 48 p.s.i., the train pipe vacuum falls to zero, the brake air cylinder pressure rises to approximately 60 ps.i.
(h) Move the automatic air brake valve handle to EMERGENCY position and note that the brake pipe pressure falls rapidly to zero.
(i) Return the automatic air brake valve handle to the RUNNING position and check that the brake pipe pressure is restored to 70 p.s.i. and that the vacuum train pipe gauge and the air brake cylinder gauge indicate the normal running values of 21' and zero respectively.
(j) Move the reversing handle on FORWARD position, release the handbrake and at the same time check that the drivers safety device operates.
Notes: (a) The Automatic air brake valve is the self lapping type. A release position is provided on this valve for use when working AIR BRAKED trains to enable the brake pipe to be recharged quickly if required.
Except in an emergency do NOT make a brake application immediately
after using the RELEASE feature.
(b) The AWS change end switch is now provided with a fixed handle on these five locomotives.
1.Open the radiator shutters.
2. In cold weather close the radiator shutters until the engine has been started and has warmed up, then open the radiator shutters.
3a. Place the air brake handle in position and set the handle to RELEASE on locomotive Nos. D>200-D.209.
3b. Place the air brake handles to RELEASE position in both cabs on locomotives D.210 onwards.
4a. Place the vacuum brake handles into RUNNING position in each driver's cab on locomotives D.210 onwards.
5. Place the A.W.S. key into control box and place to ON (handle up).
6. Place master key into controller and turn.
7. Place the reversing handle into the E.O. position, this will automatically start the lubricating oil priming pump which should be allowed to run for not less than 15 seconds before attempting to start the engine. Check that the indicator lights are all lit; WHEEL SLIP light will be dim but the ENGINE STOPPED light and the FAULT light will be brightly lit.
NOTE : The ENGINE STOPPED light may dim as oil pressure is being built up by the lubricating oil priming pump
8. Press the engine “start” button and hold until the engine stopped light and fault light
go dim. The “Start” push button should then be released. A 'Start' button is provided in the engine room and can be used if desired as an alternative, but when working in multiple this 'Start' button will only start the one engine. .
Revised January, 1965
NOTE: Under no circumstances must the 'Start' button be kept depressed if the engine fails to turn over. If the engine turns but does not fire almost immediately and no cause is apparent to the driver, the matter must be reported. With the engine running and the reverser in the E.O. position no power circuits are made, but the auxiliary generator provides power for the auxiliary machines and battery charging
These locomotives have been designed so that they are capable of being run in multiple with
Locomotives carrying the 'Blue Star' coupling symbol.
(See instructions regarding locomotives D370, D371, D377, D378 and D380 which are fitted
with Automatic air brakes with vacuum train control.)
Two or three locomotives can be coupled together and driven from any one cab.
To effect this the master controllers and their associated equipments are connected by train lines which pass through a cut-out switch. Each locomotive will, therefore, react to any one controller unless it has been deliberately rendered inoperative by opening its corresponding cut-out switch.
In the event of a failure of one locomotive it is possible to isolate it completely without taking the locomotive off the train. The battery isolating switch must be left at ON if driving from the defective locomotive, but the locomotive which has failed must be taken off the train at the next convenient stopping point or in any case under Two hours from the time of the failure. The steam generator, if in use, MUST be shut down on the defective locomotive.
LOCOMOTIVE Nos. D370, D371, D377, D378 AND D380
The above five locomotives fitted with Westinghouse automatic air brake and vacuum train control may be worked singly or in multiple for working vacuum braked, unbraked and air braked trains.
The above five locomotives fitted with the automatic air brake and vacuum train control may be worked singly or in multiple for working vacuum braked, unbraked and air braked trains.
The above five locomotives fitted with the automatic air brake and vacuum train control MUST NOT be coupled with locomotives fitted with vacuum controlled air brake systems when working air braked trains.
1. On buffering up for coupling, apply the power brakes by placing the AIR BRAKE handle into the BRAKE ON position, then PLACE THE REVERSING HANDLE TO OFF POSITION AND TAKE THE MASTER KEY OUT OF THE CONTROLLER ON EACH LOCOMOTIVE. APPLY THE VACUUMM BRAKE.
2. Couple up shackles and all pipe connections required and open cocks.
3. Couple up the jumper cables required and ensure the plugs are fully home and locked in their sockets.
Remove the master key and A.W.S. key . Check the position of the Braked/Unbraked
Passenger-Goods) switches and isolate the vacuum exhausters.
Place the vacuum brake valve handles to NEUTRAL; the removable air brake handle must
be left in position in one cab of each trailing locomotive and placed to RELEASE.
The air and vacuum brake handle MUST be placed into the RELEASE and RUNNING
position respectively (automatic air brake handles into SHUT DOWN position).
On the Leading Locomotive (Nos. D.200 - D.209)
1. Place the air brake handle into position in the leading cab and move it to the BRAKE ON position.
2. Place the exhauster switches to ON position and check position of the Braked/Unbraked (Passenger-Goods) switch.
3. Place A.W.S. and master keys into position in the leading cab and obtain control of the units. Create vacuum.
On the Leading Locomotive (Nos. D.210 onwards)
1. Place the air brake handle into the BRAKE ON position.
2. Place the exhauster switches to ON position and check position of the Braked/Unbraked
(Passenger-Goods) switch.
3. Place A.W.S. and master keys into position in the leading cab to obtain control of the units. Create vacuum.
1. Apply the power brakes by placing the VACUUM BRAKE (or Automatic air brake) valve handle into the BRAKE ON position to hold the locomotives, then PLACE THE REVERSING HANDLE TO OFF POSITION AND TAKE THE MASTER KEY OUT OF THE CONTROLLER.
2. Disconnect the jumper cables and secure them in the position provided.
3. Close cocks and uncouple all pipe connections and screw shackles.
4. Replace master key on the leading locomotive to regain control, checking position of
Braked/Unbraked (Passenger-Goods) switch before moving. On the trailing locomotive(s) the A.W.S. and master keys will require placing into position and control of the brake obtained before locomotive is moved.
Revised January, 1965
Make sure that the jumper plugs are fully home and locked and that the pipe connections are correctly coupled.
1. Before attempting to move the locomotive make sure that the control air pressure is at least 70 lbs. Per sq. in. and that 21” of vacuum is being maintained by the exhausters.
2. Place the braked/unbraked (Passenger-Goods) switch into the appropriate position. When running light locomotive the switch MUST be placed into the braked position.
3. Ensure that the handbrakes are released.
4. Place a foot on the driver's safety device pedal and depress it, then move the reverser into FORWARD or REVERSE for the desired direction of travel.
5. To start the locomotive, release the brakes, then pull the main power handle slowly until the main ammeter registers a reading, then gradually advance the power handle towards the FULL POWR position until the necessary power is obtained. When accelerating, the current must not be allowed to exceed 2,600 amperes.
Locomotives D370, D371, D377, D378 and D380 are fitted with the following equipment:
Two air compressors, the first being the normal air compressor fitted to the locomotive which
cuts in at 85 p.s.i, and out at 100 p.s.i. and the second a Westinghouse type 3 VC 75 compressor
which runs continuously when the air/vacuum switch is in the 'air passenger' or 'air goods' position.
This compressor does not run when the air/vacuum switch is in the vacuum braked or vacuum
unbraked position. When working air braked trains the type 3 VC 75 compressor runs continuously
and an unloader valve has been incorporated in the system.
Automatic air brake valve in each driving cab.
Exhauster speed up switch button (on driving desk).
Straight air brake valve in each driving cab.
Emergency brake valve in each driving cab.
Vacuum release valve in each driving cab.
Air/Vacuum switch on the control cubicle with the following change over position marked:
Vacuum braked
Vacuum unbraked
Air passenger
Air goods
An air brake release valve is also fitted within the body of the locomotive for venting the air
brake system if necessary.
Indicator lights are fitted in each cab and these indicate the position of the air/vacuum switch, i.e. vacuum braked, air passenger, etc. immediately after the battery isolating switch is placed to the ON position.
The air/vacuum switch must be placed in the 'VACUUM BRAKED' position.
The air/vacuum switch must be placed in the “VACUUM UNBRAKED” position.
The air/vacuum switch to be in the 'AIR PASSENGER' position for working liner trains and in the 'AIR GOODS' position when working Merry-go-round trains.
Note: Whenever the air/vacuum switch is placed into either the 'AIR PASSENGER' or 'AIR GOODS' position the vacuum exhausters are automatically stopped and the Type 3 VC 75 air compressor starts up.
When coupling to an air braked train the automatic air brake pipe and the main air reservoir pipe must be coupled to the leading vehicle of the train then the air/vacuum switch moved to the appropriate position, i.e. “AIR PASSENGER” or “AIR GOODS,” but before any attempt is made to move the locomotive again all vacuum must be released from the chamber side of the locomotive by operating the vacuum release valve (one fitted in each cab).
When working air braked trains the steam heating generator is automatically isolated electrically.
The A.W.S. and driver's safety device is air controlled.
An emergency brake valve is fitted on the cab side next to the driver's seat and is operated by pushing the handle backwards and downwards. This action opens valves in both brake pipes and thus causes a full brake application direct. If the operation of the automatic brake valve does not apply the brake, control of the train is obtained by operating the emergency brake valve in the manner shown above.
When sounding the horn, to comply with Rule 127 and the Appendix Instructions, operate the lever in such a manner as to give the two-tone sound that these horns are designed to emit. This is of the utmost importance, and if the horn is defective it must be reported immediately.
Engine Speeds
The diesel engine runs at approximately 450 r.p.m. at idling, increasing to 850 r.p.m. at maximum power . By moving the main power handle between OFF and maximum, the power controller position of the engine governor is progressively opened or closed according to direction of movement, viz. up or down, and the diesel engine speed will be held steady so long as the main power handle setting remains unchanged.
Revised January, 1965
Engine stopped (Red) )
Wheel slip (Amber) ) Normally dim, bright on fault
Fault (Blue) )
Boiler (White) )
Automatic air brake indicator lights, where fitted.
Low oil pressure (Red) )
Low fuel level (Red) ) Normally dim, bright on fault.
Low water level (Red) )
Blower motor stopped (Red) )
If an indicator light failure is noted and no apparent cause can be found, this may be due to a bulb failure and the indicators in the other driving cab should be checked. If these are functioning normally the locomotive can proceed.
Should wheel slip occur, indication will be given by the wheel slip indicator amber light, and power will be reduced automatically. If slipping still occurs, RETURN CONTROLLER TO OFF BEFORE OPERATING THE SANDERS, then accelerate again as required.
The fault light (blue) will glow bright and the high water temperature indicator will show on the control cubicle if the water temperature is too high but the engine will not shut down; the radiator shutter position should be immediately checked. If this is correct, the engine should be run at reduced load until the fault light shows normal. If absolutely necessary the water may be cooled by stopping the locomotive and allowing the engine and radiator fan to continue running.
In the event of loss of water the engine will shut down when the low level is reached in the header tank, and the engine stopped light (red) will glow bright. Check water level in header tank and, if possible, refill tank.
In the event of loss of water the engine will shut down when the low level is reached in the header tank. The engine stopped and fault light will be brightly lit. The Low Water Level indicator light in the engine room will also be brightly lit.
Check water level in header tank and, if possible, refill tank.
At all engine speeds the load regulator, actuated by engine governor switches, varies the generator excitation so that maximum available power for the controller position selected is continuously supplied to the traction motors without overloading the engine.
To increase the locomotive tractive effort speed range (at all engine speeds) traction motor field diversion is provided and controlled automatically by the load regulator.
To raise scoop, move handle to 'Raise Scoop' position, hold for 30 seconds then release handle to 'Neutral' position.
If the engine lubricating oil pressure drops to 20 lbs. Per sq. in. the engine is shut down automatically and the fault and engine stopped lights will show 'bright'. Check oil level; if normal, try to re-start engine not more than THREE times. If the engine starts, check oil pressure reading on the gauge fitted on the engine.
If the engine lubricating oil pressure drops to 25 lbs./sq. in. the Fault light in the cab and the Low Oil Pressure light in the engine room will both be brightly illuminated. The locomotive should be taken out of service as soon as possible.
If the lubricating oil pressure continues to drop the engine will be shut down automatically.
Check oil level; if normal, try to re-start engine not more than THREE times. If the engine starts, check oil pressure reading on the gauge fitted on the engine.
Boiler Indicator Light (White)
This indicates that a fault has developed in the boiler equipment. When the light is out this indicates one of the following:-
(a) Boiler switch OFF.
(b) Switch tripped on electrical fault.
(c) Indicator circuit or lamp failure.
Earth Fault
If an earth fault or overload develops power is cut off and the engine speed drops to idling. Return the power handle to OFF then advance it again SLOWLY, keeping a careful watch on the main traction ammeter. If the needle rapidly approaches the 2,500 amps mark the fault was most likely caused by an overload but if the ammeter needle does not approach the 2,000 amp mark and power is again cut off an earth fault is indicated.
Return power handle to OFF and open the earth fault cut out link, then operate power handle normally. If power is again cut off the locomotive must be taken out of traffic and the traction motors affected must be isolated.
Revised January, 1965
If a traction motor blower stops, the Fault light (blue) will be brightly lit and the yellow flag indicator will be visible through the window in the control frame.
If a traction motor blower has stopped and the cause is not a defective motor fuse, traction motor field diversion cannot be obtained and the main generator current must be kept below 1,200 amps. The locomotive must be withdrawn from service as soon as possible.
If a traction motor blower stops the Fault light (blue) in the cab and the Blower Motor Stopped light in the engine room will be brightly lit.
If the cause is not a defective motor fuse, traction motor field diversion cannot be obtained and the main generator current must be kept below 1,200 amps. The locomotive must be withdrawn from service as soon as possible.
When the level of the engine fuel oil drops to a predetermined level the Fault light (blue) in the cab and the Low Fuel Level light in the engine room will be brightly lit. The locomotive can only run a further 30 miles and should be refilled as soon as possible.
If, after checking the battery ammeter which is fitted on the control cubicle, it is found that the battery is being discharged, the engine should be kept running and the matter reported immediately for attention within TWO hours or the locomotive will have to be taken out of traffic.
The brakes, locomotive and train, are applied by operating the driver's vacuum brake valve. The air brake valve does NOT apply the vacuum brake. The brakes must not be applied whilst the main power handle is in a POWER ON position, except when buffering up to couple to a train or another locomotive, when only low power should be used. The vacuum governor will cut off power to the traction motors whenever the vacuum falls below 8 ins. Power cannot be restored until a vacuum of 16 ins has been created
On locomotives fitted with Automatic Air Brakes the driver's Automatic air brake valve operates the locomotive and train brakes, either vacuum or air dependent on the position of the Air/Vacuum switch. The straight air brake valve applies the brake ON THE LOCOMOTIVE ONLY.
In the event of an engine failure the control cut-out switch must be opened, then the brakes can be operated on the defective locomotive if coupled in multiple unit (see multiple locomotive working)...
If coupled to another type of diesel or to a steam locomotive the power brakes cannot be operated. The vacuum and air brakes MUST be released, and ALL air pressure blown out of the air reservoirs by opening the drain cocks. The disable locomotive may then by towed with the hand brake only in operation. If the vacuum pipes are coupled up the defective locomotive becomes a “piped” vehicle.
If the driver's safety device pedal is released when the main power controller handle is in power position the power is cut off and a brake application is made after 5-7 seconds' delay. The diesel engine continues to run at its idling speed. When a driver's safety device application takes place, the following action must be taken to regain control:-
(a) Return the main power handle to OFF.
(b) Depress the driver's safety device pedal
(c) As soon as the brakes are released, locomotive may again be re-started normally, as shown under 'to start the locomotive'
If the device fails, resulting in inability to create vacuum, close the vacuum pipe isolating cock to the Vacuum Emergency valve. On locomotive Nos. D.370, D371, D378 and D380. Close the air cock to the driver's safety device timing reservoir. If the locomotive is single manned, a competent person must ride with the driver when-ever the locomotive is moving.
1. Return main power handle to OFF.
2. Apply the brakes.
1. Return main power handle to OFF.
2. Apply the brakes to hold the locomotive stationary. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REVERSE WHEN THE LOCOMOTIVE IS MOVING.
3. Move the reversing lever to the position required.
4. Release brakes, then operate main power handle as required.
1. Stop the locomotive by applying the vacuum brake then rotate the air brake handle to the emergency position.
2. Place the vacuum brake handle into the NEUTRAL position, reversing handle to OFF. Then remove master key and A.W.S. key.
3. Check air brake cylinder pressure to ensure that the brakes are still applied then remove the air brake handle.
4. Close cab windows.
5. Proceed to the other cab.
Revised January, 1965
6. Place the air brake handle into position and move it to ON. Then place master key and A.W.S. key into position and move the reversing handle to E.O. position. Then proceed as shown under instructions to start the locomotive Items 4 and 5.
Two or Three Locomotives (Nos. D.200 –D.209 )
1. Stop locomotives by applying the vacuum brake. Then isolate the exhausters by the switch provided on the control cubicle.
2. Move vacuum brake handle to NEUTRAL and the air brake handle to RELEASE.
3. Move reverser handle to OFF and remove master key and A.W.S. key.
4. Close cab windows.
5. Check air brake cylinder pressure to ensure brakes are applied.
6. Proceed to the leading cab. Then apply the air brake fully, place master key and A.W.S.. key into position and move reversing handle to E.O.
7. Place the exhauster cut-out switch on the leading locomotive to the ON position, then proceed as shown under the instructions “to start the locomotive”, Items 4 and 5.
CHANGING ENDS, Locomotive Nos. D.210 onwards (excepting locomotives fitted with Automatic
air brakes)
When changing from one end of the locomotive(s) to the other:
1. Apply the brakes by operating the driver's VACUUM BRAKE VALVE.
2. Place the reversing handle to OFF position (this stops the exhausters).
3. Remove the master switch key and A.W.S. key. Close cab windows.
4. Place the vacuum brake handle into the RUNNING position.
5. Place the air brake handle into the RELEASE position, then check air brake cylinder pressure to ensure that the brakes are still applied.
6. When working in multiple, ISOLATE THE EXHAUSTERS on the trailing locomotive(s).
7. Proceed to cab from which driving is to be carried out (when working in multiple the exhauster switches on the leading locomotive must be placed to the ON position when passing by the control cubicle). Place air brake handle into the ON position before placing the A.W.S. and the master key into position to ensure that the brake remain on until control is obtained.
Special Note: The instructions regarding the brake valves on Locomotives Nos. D.200-D.209 still
apply to these particular Locomotives if coupled to Locomotive Nos. D.210 onwards.
CHANGING ENDS. Locomotive Nos. D.370, D.371, D.377, D.378 and D.380 fitted with Automatic Air Brakes
1. Stop the locomotive. Place reversing handle to OFF position.
2. Place the automatic air brake valve handle into the EMERGENCY position.
3. Check that the straight air brake handle is in the RELEASE position
4. Place the automatic air brake valve handle into the SHUT DOWN position and check that the gauges indicate that the brakes are ON.
5. Place the AWS change end switch to OFF. Remove master key.
6. Proceed to the other cab through the engine room, en route check that the air/vacuum switch is in the correct position for the next movement.
7. On entering the other cab position master key, then place AWS change switch to ON, press and release the AWS reset button.
8. Move the automatic air brake valve handle from SHUT DOWN to RUNNING position, then make a holding brake application with the straight air brake valve handle if required.
Note: If working in AIR PASSENGER or AIR GOODS position all vacuum must be released.
1. Check that the main power handle is OFF.
2. Return the reversing lever to OFF position.
3. Press the engine 'Stop' button.
1. In driving cab, apply handbrake, stop engine and remove Master key and A.W.S. key. Release air brake, place vacuum brake to NEUTRAL or RUNNING position, as the case may be, and close cab windows. Collect personal gear and place aside near cab door.
2. Enter engine and generator compartment, close radiator shutters in cold weather and open exhauster switches.
3. In non-driving cab, apply handbrake, open battery isolating switch and main lighting switch, then check that windows and doors are closed.
4. Outside locomotive, return to driving cab.
5. Collect personal gear and equipment including air brake handle (D.200-D.209) from driving cab and close door.
Revised January, 1965
After bringing the locomotive to a stand:-
Place the automatic air brake valve handle into the EMERGENCY position.
Check that the straight air brake valve handle is in RELEASE position.
Apply the handbrake.
Carry out standard disposal duties except that on returning to the driving cab:-
Place the automatic air brake valve handle into the SHUT DOWN position, then release vacuum by operating the release valve in the cab.
When it is not possible to run the diesel engine the locomotive can be towed as a multiple unit with the power brakes in operation, with the control cut-out switch at OFF position.
It towed by another type of diesel which cannot be coupled up for multiple working or by a steam locomotive, the vacuum and air brakes MUST be released and ALL air pressure blown out of the air reservoirs, the handbrake only is left in operation. The main power handle must be in the OFF position, the reversing handle at OFF position, the master switch key and A>W>S> key removed and the battery switch at OFF. The two reversers in the control cubicle should be operated by the hand lever into the MID position.
Isolate the driver's safety device by closing the 2” isolating cock adjacent to the vacuum emergency valve. Then the locomotive becomes a vacuum 'piped' vehicle.
A motor-driven pump (pressurising unit) supplies the fuel oil under pressure to the injector fuel pumps direct from the main tank, any surplus fuel being by-passed back to the fuel tank via the emergency service tank, the emergency service tank therefore being kept in a full state.
In the event of a failure of the main fuel transfer pump, the locomotive can be operated by gravity fuel feed from the emergency service tank containing 30 gallons of fuel, which should be adequate for 20 to 30 minutes' running.
To operate with the emergency service tank in use the following procedure should be carried out:-
(a) Open the gravity feed supply valve located immediately below the tank on an extended spindle.
(b) Close the fuel cock on the main fuel line above the Vokes filter.
This will allow the gravity feed to pass by the air separator to the engine fuel bus line
An audible fire warning system forms part of the locomotive equipment.
The system is arranged to operate a fire alarm bell in the cab in the event of fire occurring. To test the operation of the warning system a test button is provided in the control cubicle and this must be operated by each driver on taking charge of the locomotive.
For dealing with fires in the engine room a Co gas system with electrical detectors is installed. To release the extinguishers it is necessary to operate the fire extinguisher control in the driving cab.
If the fire bell rings, investigate the cause.
Should a fire occur on the locomotive whilst in motion -
(c) SHUT DOWN THE BOILER, if in operation.
NOTE: In all cases THE ENGINES MUST BE STOPPED before operating the main fire extinguishers, otherwise the CO gas will be extracted from the engine room to atmosphere by the radiator fan, etc., or drawn into the turbochargers.
Before operating the main extinguishers LOOK FOR THE FIRE TO ENSURE THAT A FALSE ALARM has not been given by a fault in the alarm system.
To avoid using the main extinguishers in the event of a small outbreak of fire, or for an external fire, hand extinguishers are provided in each driving cab.
In the event of the main or portable extinguishers being operated by accident or in the case of fire, the matter MUST be reported as soon as possible.
The CO extinguishers should only be used against internal fires, if used externally the gas very rapidly dissipates and its efficacy is seriously reduced.
The C.T.C. extinguishers should only be used against external fires, they MUST NOT be used against internal fires.
Do not leave waster or cloths or litter of any description lying about in the engine room as these can be a contributory cause of fire.
Naked lights should not be used in or around these locomotives for any purpose except in the driving cabs where smoking is permitted.
Caution : carbon dioxide is non-poisonous, but if breathed in excessive quantities it is asphyxiating. If a person is overcome by breathing this gas he should be removed quickly to the fresh air and artificial respiration applied as for electric shock.
When a test is to be made in connection with a vacuum brake defect, the following procedure is to be adopted:-
Revised January, 1965
Vacuum Brake Efficiency Test
It is important that the diesel engine MUST be running to operate the exhausters for this test. On locomotives fitted with the Automatic Air Brake, the “Air/Vacuum” switch must be placed into the VACUUM BRAKED position.
Take the vacuum hose at No. 1 end off the dummy coupling and move driver's vacuum brake valve to RELEASE position, watch the vacuum gauge and if more than 3 ins. Of vacuum is obtained it is an indication that there is a stoppage in the apparatus which must be located and removed. Replace pipe at No. 1 end and repeat operation at No. 2 end. Create 21 ins. Of vacuum and stop the engine, and note the time taken for the vacuum to fall to 12 ins. in the train pipe. If this is less than 30 seconds. T is an indication that undue leakage is occurring and this must be found.
(a) Driver's Vacuum Brake Valve in 'Running' Position
Take the hosepipe off the dummy coupling at one end of the locomotive and place the special disc with 3/16” diameter leak hole on the end of the hosepipe. Place the driver's brake valve in the RUNNING position and ascertain if 21 ins. Of vacuum can be created and maintained.
(b) Driver's Vacuum Brake Valve in 'Release' Position
Take the hosepipe off the dummy coupling at one end of the locomotive and place the special disc with a 1\4” diameter leak hole on the end of the hosepipe, then with the driver's vacuum brake valve in RELEASE position ascertain if 21 ins. Of vacuum can be created and maintained.
NOTE: The brake test should be carried out from each driving cab.
A semi-rotary pump and suction hose is provided for emergency filling.
1. Generator steam pressure gauge.
2. Train pipe steam pressure gauge.
3. Boiler fuel pressure gauge.
4. Fuel nozzle pressure gauge.
5. Water pressure gauge.
6. Atomisation air pressure gauge.
7. Air damper indicator.
8. Water flow indicator.
During normal operation : All cross bar handle valves have odd numbers and must be OPEN (see instruction under 'To Fill' item 10, regarding steam atomising valves No. 7 which is the exception).
All round handle valves have even numbers and must be closed.
WARNING: DO NOT START THE STEAM GENERATOR UNLESS THE COILS ARE FILLED WITH WATER. This is controlled by a control switch marked FILL, OFF and RUN and this control switch must always remain in the FILL position until the coils are filled before switching to RUN. To move Control Switch – 102 to RUN, first depress the spring loaded safety catch.
1. Check water tank gauge is reading 'full' on underslung boiler water tank
2. Check boiler fuel tank gauges are reading “full”. Note the boiler fuel tank gauges will ONLY register when the locomotive battery isolating switch is closed.
3. Check that the emergency steam generator shut down buttons in No. 1 and 2 cabs are both pulled OUT.
4. Open fuel oil supply valve in No. 2 cab.
5. Open air atomising shut off valve - 1 (check that the air isolating cock is open).
6. Check that the water supply stop valve adjacent to the large Stones Strainer is OPEN
7. In Freezing Weather : Open round handle valve at the left hand base of the steam generator cubicle, which is attached to the main steam pipe. This allows steam to circulate and warm the feed water in the supply tank to prevent freezing up. (DO NOT OVERHEAT THE WATER.)
Note: There are two valves attached to the main steam pipe at the left hand base of the steam generator cubicle. The bottom valve of the two at floor plate level, which points towards the diesel engine is for heating the water supply tank.
Revised January, 1965
9. Check that the flute stack reset buttons are down, the hot contacts are closed and the cold contacts are open. Check overload and steam temperature reset buttons.
10. Check that the main steam valve-15, steam atomising valve-7 and drain valve -22 are closed (Note: Valves 7 and 22 will be removed in the near future).
11. Latch open separator blowdown valve-12.
12. Turn the fuel oil suction strainer handle several times in a clockwise direction.
13. Check that all round handle valves are closed-exceptvalve-4, and all cross handled valves are open-except valve -7.
1. OPEN fill test valve-4
2. CLOSE the separator blowdown valve-12.
3. Turn control switch to FILL, and check that :-
(a) Motor runs.
(b) Servo camplate turns clockwise.
(c) When TEST button is pressed the motor STOPS.
(d) When test button is released the motor runs.
NOTE ; If the motor fails to stop when the test button is pressed, DO NOT put the steam generator into service as flame failure protection is in-operative.
4.Check ignition spark through sight glass.
5. Visually check that a good flow of water is passing from valve-4, then close valve-4 and turn switch to OFF.
NOTE ; On no account should any attempt be made to start the generator UNLESS THE COILS ARE FILLED.
(b) Obtain working pressure (55-60 p.s.i.) adjusting water by-pass regulator if necessary.
(c)OPEN soot blower valve-26 and leave open for 15-20 seconds then POSITIVELY CLOSE the valve.
(d) SLOWLEY open the main steam valve-15.
5. Set the water by-pass regulator to give the required pressure in the train pipe.
6. Open the separator blowdown valve several times for periods of from three to five seconds during the first few minutes of operation to clear excess water from the separator.
For stops of less than 30 minutes: with the engine running, close the main stop valve _ 15.
1. Turn the control switch to OFF.
2. When steam pressure has fallen to 20 p.s.i. latch open the separator blowdown valve - 12, then close main steam valve – 15 slowly.
3. Open fill test valve - 4, when steam pressure is ZERO.
4. Turn the control switch to FILL and allow motor to run for 10 minutes to cool coils.
5. Close separator blowdown valve - 12.
6. When water flows continuously from test valve - 4 turn control switch to OFF.
7. Close fill test valve - 4.
8. Close the air atomising valve - 1.
9. Place main boiler switch to OFF.
10. Close fuel oil supply valve, No. 2 cab.
NOTES: (a) It is of the utmost importance that the CORRECT shut down procedure is immediately carried out when the generator is stopped. Failure to do so will cause burning and scaling of the generator coils and damage to the flexible steam heating hose.
(b) The steam temperature limit switch settings have been reduced. Because of this, it is possible that initially on opening the main steam valve - 15, the servo regulator may temporarily move to the low fire position.
(c) All Stone Generators have their safety valves set at 65 p.s.i. The maximum steam pressure as indicated on the steam gauge in the cab nearest to the train must not exceed 55 p.s.i.
1. One main boiler fuse, 60 amp, is situated in fuse panel adjacent to the end of the main generator.
2. Four 15 amp, plus one spare fuse inside the steam generator control panel.
A. If the steam generator fails to fire, check the fuses. If the fuses are correct, close the water by-pass regulator shut off valve – 19. Set and manually regulate the train pipe pressure by partially opening valve - 8 to keep the steam generator operating until repairs can be carried out.
Revised January, 1965
1. Steam pressure gauge.
2. Fuel pressure gauge.
3. Water feed pressure gauge.
4. Accumulator water gauge.
During normal operation, all valves with Cross Bar handles must be OPEN.
All valves with round type handles with the exception of the steam discharge valve MUST BE CLOSED.
1. Check that the underslung water tank gauge is reading 'full'.
2. Check that the steam generator fuel tank gauges are reading 'full'. Note these fuel tank gauges will only register when the locomotive battery isolating switch is CLOSED.
3. Check that the steam generator emergency shut down buttons in Nos. 1 and 2 cabs are both pulled OUT.
4. Open fuel oil supply valve in No. 2 cab.
5. Check that the water supply stop valve adjacent to the large Stones strainer is OPEN.
6. In Freezing Weather: OPEN round handle valve at the left hand base of the steam generator cubicle which is attached to the main steam pipe, at floor plate level; this allows steam to circulate and warm up the fed water in the main supply tank.
7. Close main control switch on electrical equipment panel.
8. The following valves must be OPEN:-
Burner control valve - K (O).
Feedwater intake valve - H (X).
Circulating feed valve - E (X).
Top and bottom gauge glass cocks.
Coil feed valve - A (X). This valve will be locked in the open position in the near future.
9. The following valves must be CLOSED:-
Soot blower valve - C (O).
Accumulator blowdown valve - L (O).
Coil drain valve - M (O).
Top and Bottom water TEST and DRAIN cocks.
(O) - Round type handle
(X) - Cross type handle.
Revised January, 1965
10.The steam discharge valve-D should be CLOSED and the 'cracked', i.e. opened about half a turn.
11. Check that the overloads in D.C. control cabinet and the Honeywell control in the A.C. cabinet are SET.
CAUTION: Do not proceed further until assured that the pumps are functioning correctly and the water level in the gauge glass is correct.
6. Fully close the burner control VALVE-K and check that the pressure rises on the Fuel Pressure Gauge. If the pressure does not rise, PRESS THE STOP BUTTON IMMEDIATELY otherwise the fuel pump will be severely damaged. When fuel pressure rises above 70 p.s.i. the burner should ignite.
7. After the burner ignites, expansion of the water in the heating coil will cause surges of water into the accumulator until the system is balance. To prevent carryover into the steam system, open accumulator blowdown valve-L to maintain 2-4 inches of water in the gauge glass, then fully close the valve. Repeat as necessary. If level drops too low, open burn control valve until correct water level is obtained.
8. As steam pressure approaches maximum, SLOWLEY open steam discharge valve-D to bring steam pipe pressure up gradually and maintain a minimum of 50 p.s.i. on the generator steam pressure gauge. (Press steam ON button if fitted)
All valves with X handles to be fully OPEN.
All valves with round O handles to be fully CLOSED.
When the generator steam pressure rises to 65 p.s.i. the burner will automatically cut down to low fire, and should the pressure rise to 70 p.s.i. the burner will cut out completely. NOTE When the generator pressure falls to 55 p.s.i. the low fire burner will re-ignite and should pressure fall to 50 p.s.i the high fire burner will also re-ignite. This variation is know as 'burner modulation' and the generator will cycle in this manner to meet the demand of the train steam pipe.
To shut down the steam generator for a period not exceeding 30 minutes. With the engine running, SLOWLY close the steam discharge valve-D or press 'steam off' button when fitted.
To restart train heating: SLOWLY open steam discharge valve-D, or press 'steam on' button where fitted.
1.Soot blow the heating coil as follows:-
(a) Open soot blower valve-C and at the same time close Steam Discharge Valve-D or press 'steam off' button (where fitted); check that the water level in the Steam Accumulator is NORMAL. (If the water level is too high, water will be carried through the soot blower and extinguish the burner).
(b) (Soot blow for 10 minutes using SHORT SHARP BLASTS by closing and opening the blower valve (short sharp blasts are more effective than on long blast)
(c)Close soot blower valve-C
(d) Open steam Discharge Valve-D or press 'steam on' button (where fitted) and allow generator to return to normal workibg conditions.
2. While the generator is operating at its normal pressure, open Accumulator Blowdown Valve-L and allow the blow for 5 seconds with the valve wide open, then close the valve.
3. Close circulating feed valve-E
4. Open coil drain valve-M. After 10 seconds, FULLY OPEN burner control valve-K. 15 seconds from opening the coil drain valve-M the water light must BRIGHTEN and the FLAME be EXTINGUISHED.
5. Throttle down steam discharge valve-D, or press 'steam off' button (where fitted) to maintain high steam pressure (not maximum) with the accumulator.
6. OPEN Accumulator Blowdown valve-L when steam pressure has fallen to 20 p.s.i.
7. Press STOP button-G
8. OPEN boiler main switch (In main electrical control frame Handle DOWN)
9. CLOSE Fuel Supply Valve in No.2 cab
NOTE: To ensure satisfactory operation of the generator it is important that the above shutdown procedure is carried out each time the generator is shut down and in the laid down sequence.
Revised January, 1965
1.Before shutting the boiler down at the end of each trip, the boiler must be soot blown for at least 10 minutes, using the following procedure:-
With boiler operating at normal pressure, CLOSE steam discharge valve to train. Check that water level in the Accumulator gauge glass is normal. (A high water level will cause water to be carried over onto the electrodes). Use accumulator drain valve to lower water level if necessary.
With the boiler steam pressure at 75-80 p.s.i. soot blow by opening the soot blower fully, for 30 seconds, then close the valve to produce a short sharp blast of high pressure steam.
Allow boiler steam pressure to build up to 75-80 p.s.i again then repeat the operation. Continue this procedure for NOT LESS than 10 minutes. Then carry out normal boiler shutting down procedure.
All boilers of this type are fitted with 2 water sensing probes which will operate the water failure light, when the supply to the boiler is not sufficient or stops completely . The light will operate under certain conditions, when in fact, NO true water shortage or failure has occurred to the boiler, as detailed in paragraph B below.
(a)Operation-'Filling Boiler Coils'
Water failure light will stay 'BRIGHT' until such time as an adequate water supply is being drawn from the locomotive water tank, by the Mono pump and the coils are completely filled. Then the light will go 'DIM'. Boiler is now ready for firing.
(b) Operation-Opening the boiler main steam valve to the train
When the steam pressure in the boiler reaches 65-70 p.s.i. OPEN boiler main steam valve to the train, HALF a turn ONLY, wait until steam pressure in boiler rises again to 65-70 p.s.i THEN open main steam valve another HALF turn. PROCEED SLOWLY with this operation until the main steam valve is fully open. If the water failure light 'BRIGHTENS' intermittently whilst opening the main steam valve. PAUSE until the water failure light dims. DO NOT FAIL THE BOILER because of this condition.
A certain amount of flickering of water failure light may be experienced, until the steam and water system have regained their balance.
(c) Boiler steaming normally-water failure en route
Once the boiler has attained normal steam production the water failure light will remain 'Dim', providing the Mono transfer pump supplies water in excess to requirments, thus keeping the top sensing probe covered with water at all times. If the water supply falls off or stops, the water failure light will become 'BRIGHT' and the
flame will be extinguished, this may be followed by the thermal band operating which will stop the boiler motor. The following procedure must now be carried:-
1.Open burner control valve.
2. Press 'STOP' button if motor is still running.
3. Close MAIN steam valve, and open accumulator drain valve to prevent vapour locking in the main water pump.
4. Open all 4 vent cocks (2 on circulating pump, 2 on feed pump).
5. Hold fingers on 'START' button until water spurts from the 2 vent cocks on the feed pump. Release 'START' button.
6. Close accumulator drain valve and the 2 vent cocks on feed pump.
7. Hold finger on 'START' button until water spurts from the 2 vent cocks on circulating pump, then close vent cocks.
8. Fill boiler coils in normal manner and re-start the boiler. Note it may be necessary to hold the finger on the 'START' button until the thermal band has cooled and the switch re-set.
9. If water cannot be obtained at the vent cocks, check strainer in engine room, failing this request assistance.
NOTE; When the water tank heating cock is OPEN, and the water is allowed to get too hot, the water pump will not draw enough water for the boiler to steam heat the train, and this causes a water failure on the boiler.
One 60 or 80 amp main steam generator fuse, in electrical equipment panel.
Two 6 amp fuses in D.C. control box.
One 6 amp fuse in A.C. control box.
Spare 6 amp fuse on control box door.
1. During the VERY cold weather, open the warming coil steam valve to prevent water in the supply tank from freezing. Only supply sufficient steam to WARM the water-not to BOIL it.
2. If the end cocks of the steam heating pipes are frozen, DO NOT use force to open or close them, otherwise they are liable to be broken. Allow steam from the boiler to thaw them or if possible apply heat externally.
3. ALWAYS hang up BOTH steam heating hoses when not in use to avoid damaging the end lugs.
Revised January, 1965